The utility of dualenergy ct for metal artifact reduction. Metal artifact reduction using duallayer spectral ct. Metal artifact reduction in virtual monoenergetic spectral dualenergy ct of. Kim, metal artifact reduction software used with abdominopelvic dual energy ct of patients with metal hip prostheses. Our method is applied to various metal implants and patients, and good metal artifact reduction is observed. Metal artifact reduction in virtual monoenergetic spectral.
Further artifact reduction can be accomplished through the application of metal artifact reduction software. Impact of metal artifact reduction software on image. Metal artifact reduction software used with abdominopelvic. Metal artifact reduction in virtual monoenergetic spectral dual. Metal artifact reduction mar algorithms are used to improve ct image quality in patients with metalware, however, can be affected by novel artifacts. The ct data were retroreconstructed withwithout mars, by different displayed fieldsofview dfov, and with synthesised monochromatic energy in the range. Spectral ct with metal artifacts reduction software for. Monoenergetic extrapolation of cardiac dual energy ct for. Exploring metal artifact reduction using dualenergy ct with. The philips omar algorithm is an iterative projection modification solution, whereby the. Dualenergy ct imaging dualenergy material extraction dect is based on taking ct images at two tube voltages 100 kvp and 140 kvp parameterization of the linear attenuation coefficient results in the electron density.
Which one is better for metal artifact reduction in. The virtual monochromatic spectral vms images with metal artifact reduction software mars in spectral ct can reduce the artifacts and improve the image quality. Then, the theoretical basics of stateoftheart artifact reduction techniques are described, emphasizing the important differences between the projectionbased metal artifact reduction mar technique and the dual energy ct technique. Pdf objective the aim of the current study is to evaluate the effectiveness of reduction metal artifacts using kvct image with the singleenergy. Metalrelated artefacts can be troublesome on musculoskeletal computed tomography ct. An evaluation of three commercially available metal. How well does dualenergy computed tomography with metal. Dual energy ct, also known as spectral ct, is a computed tomography technique that uses two separate xray photon energy spectra, allowing the interrogation of materials that have different attenuation properties at different energies. Impact of metal artifact reduction software on image quality of gemstone spectral imaging dual energy cerebral ct angiography after intracranial aneurysm clipping. Analysis of metal artifact reduction tools for dental. The metal deletion technique mdt reduces metal artifacts, and the improved image quality can change the radiologic diagnosis.
Reduction of metal artifacts from unilateral hip arthroplasty on dual energy ct with metal artifact reduction software dong yue, cheng fan rong, cai ning, hu liang, liu ai lian, wang ru xin, and luo ya hong. The aim of this study was to evaluate different metal artifact reduction techniques for metal artifacts induced by dental hardware in ct scans of the oral cavity. Metal artifact reduction for ctbased luggage screening. Dual energy ct imaging dual energy material extraction dect is based on taking ct images at two tube voltages 100 kvp and 140 kvp parameterization of the linear attenuation coefficient results in the electron density. Methods and materials 31 patients were examined using a dual energy ct protocol with a filtered 140 kvp and a 100 kvp spectrum on a dual source ct somatom definition flash, siemens. This provides clinical utility in detection of urate crystals, bone marrow edema, reduction of beam hardening. Metal artifact reduction techniques for single energy ct and dualenergy ct with various metal materials 1,2daisuke kawahara, 3,4shuichi ozawa, 1kazushi yokomachi, 5toru higaki, 6takehiro shiinoki, 3akito saito, 3tomoki kimura, 3ikuno nishibuchi, 3ippei takahashi, 3yuuki takeuchi, 3nobuki imano. The dualenergy ct technique is characterized by data acquisition at two. To describe and illustrate a technique to reduce metal artifact with computed tomography imaging by using dualenergy xray with metal artifact reduction software mars background artifacts arising from metal hardware remains a significant problem in orthopedic ct imaging. Key method both single energy and dual energy methods share a common mar technique. Impact of metal artifact reduction software on image quality of gemstone spectral imaging dualenergy cerebral ct angiography after intracranial. Metal artifact reduction software used with abdominopelvic dual. Current and novel techniques for metal artifact reduction. Therefore dual energy techniques have been used to mitigate metal artifacts in recent years.
Reduction of metal artifacts from unilateral hip arthroplasty on dualenergy ct with metal artifact reduction software dong yue, cheng fan rong, cai. However, there is little information available on the use of dual energy ct dect and metal artifact reduction software mars in the head and neck regions to reduce metallic dental artifacts. These phenomena severely degrade image quality and hinder the diagnostic power and treatment outcomes in many clinical applications. However, there is little information available on the use of dualenergy ct dect and metal artifact reduction software mars in the head and neck regions to reduce metallic dental artifacts. To present a simple method for quantification of dualenergy ct metal artifact reduction capabilities methods. Virtual monochromatic spectral vms imaging with dualenergy ct has been reported to reduce beamhardening metal artifact effectively. But its diagnostic utility may be reduced or compromised by artifacts from metal implants. Metal artifact reduction algorithm radiology reference. Duallayer spectral ct shows promise for reducing metal artifacts, according to research from university hospitals cleveland medical center of case western reserve university in ohio. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the effectiveness of reduction metal artifacts using kv ct image with the single energy based metal artefact reduction semar technique by sin.
Gemstone spectral imaging dualenergy ct with and without metal artifact reduction software for dental reconstruction artifact. Metal artifact reduction mar radiopaque and highly dense materials such as metal fillings in dental ct cause strong image artifacts, if not properly taken into account. We suggest an algorithm for metal artifact reduction mar for both single energy and dual energy ct scans. To assess the usefulness of gemstone spectral imaging gsi dualenergy ct dect withwithout metal artefact reduction software mars. Efficiency of iterative metal artifact reduction algorithm. Introducing gsi xtream on revolution ct, 1 the first volume spectral ct technology designed to improve small lesion detection, tissue characterization and metal artifact reduction, with a simplified workflow you can make part of your daily practice. Metal artifact reduction techniques for single energy ct. Dual energy ct dect has been evidenced to be a boon within the field of diagnostic imaging recently.
Background monoenergetic extrapolation of cardiac dualenergy computed tomography dect could be useful in artifact reduction in clinical practice. Spectral ct with metal artifacts reduction software for improvement of tumor visibility in the vicinity of gold fiducial markers. Monoenergetic imaging for metal artifact reduction and improvement of cnr. Quantitative assessment of three vendors metal artifact reduction. Complex anatomy 14yearold girl, c2 fracture, syncope.
Imaging of patients with metal implants is a common activity for radiologists, and overcoming metal artifacts during computed tomography ct is still a challenge. Studies have evaluated dualenergy ct for effective reduction of metal artifacts by means of virtual monoenergetic imaging. The measurements are replaced by forward reprojection from a prior image. Optimization of monoenergetic extrapolations in dualenergy ct for metal artifact reduction in different body regions and orthopedic implants. Philips omar, ges monochromatic gemstone spectral imaging gsi using dualenergy ct, and gsi imaging with metal artifact reduction software applied mars. Objective the objective of this study was to assess the accuracy of the quantitative measurements obtained using dualenergy computed tomography with metal artifact reduction software mars methods dualenergy computed tomography scans fast kvswitching are performed on a phantom, by varying the number of metal rods ti and pb and reference iodine materials. Single energy metal artifact reduction a reliable metal. Dual source dualenergy ct does not require additional radiation dose compared. Metal artifact reduction algorithm for single energy and. Dunet v1, bernasconi m2, hajdu sd2, meuli ra2, daniel rt3, zerlauth jb2. Metal artifact reduction software used with abdominopelvic dualenergy ct of patients with metal hip prostheses. Complementary contrast media for metal artifact reduction in dual energy ct.
A phantom was constructed from solid water and a steel cylinder. Gemstone spectral imaging gsi with dualenergy ct dect offers a novel solution gsi and metallic artefact reduction software gsimar can markedly reduce these artefacts. The metal artifact reduction software of ge scanner effectively reduced. Problems occur particularly with pelvis exams compromised by hip. Whereas conventional single energy ct produces a single image set, dual energy data attenuation values at two energy spectra can be used to reconstruct.
Metal artifact reduction software with gemstone spectral imaging dualenergy ct although the precise mar algorithm is not available to endusers, previous articles 9, 10 have presented an overview of the technical aspects of the mar software. Dual energy ct images with metal artifact reduction software or not. The entire gsi experience has been enhanced from scanning to reconstruction to. Solid water is commonly used for radiotherapy qa, while steel cylinders are readily available in hardware stores. Projectionbased metal artifact reduction mar algorithms act in projection. Measurements with a metal object are considered corrupted and completely unusable. Background metallic dental prostheses may degrade image quality on head and neck computed tomography ct.
Purpose to compare and combine dualenergy based and iterative metal artefact reduction on hip prosthesis and dental implants in ct. A catphan phantom and a polymethylmethacrylate pmma phantom were used. Metal artifact reduction techniques for single energy ct and dual. Gemstone spectral imaging dualenergy ct with and without. Cera ct reconstruction and artifact reduction siemens. They have not been typeset and the text may change before final. Reduction of computed tomography metal artifacts with dual. Dualenergy ct with virtual monochromatic images and metal. To assess the dosimetric impact of metal artifact reduction methods, dose calculations were performed using baseline, uncorrected images and metal artifact reduction methods. The dects were performed using fast kvswitching gsi between 80 and 140 kv.
Then, the theoretical basics of stateoftheart artifact reduction techniques are described, emphasizing the important differences between the projectionbased metal artifact reduction mar technique and the dualenergy ct technique. Metal whole thing reduction in gem spec tral imaging dualenergy ct with and with out metal whole thing reduction software system. Purpose to evaluate the potential of monoenergetic extrapolation of cardiac dect data for reducing artifacts from. Del gaizo aj, silva ac, hara ak 2014 the utility of dualenergy ct in abdominal. Scientific papers presented on december 5, 2014 presented as part of sst10. An evaluation of three commercially available metal artifact reduction methods for ct imaging. A catphan phantom and a polymethylmethacrylate pmma phantom were used to evaluate. Complementary contrast media for metal artifact reduction in dualenergy ct. Current and novel techniques for metal artifact reduction at ct. Purpose to evaluate the effects of vms images and mars for metal artifact reduction in patients with unilateral hip arthroplasty. Metallic dental prostheses may degrade image quality on head and neck computed tomography ct.
The cera metal artifact reduction significantly mitigates these image artifacts and preserves. Metal artifacts may negatively affect radiologic assessment in the oral cavity. Metal artefact reduction in gemstone spectral imaging dual. Canon medical systems semar single energy metal artifact reduction utilizes a sophisticated iterative reconstruction technique to reduce metal artifact, artifact improving visualization of implants, supporting bone and the adjacent soft tissues for a clearer and more confident diagnosis. Optimization of monoenergetic extrapolations in dual. Accepted manuscript manuscripts that have been selected for publication. Which one is better for metal artifact reduction in postoperative spine evaluation. Analysis of metal artifact reduction tools for dental hardware in ct scans of the oral cavity. Although conventional xray beams have a polychromatic xray spectrum, filtered back projection based on the monochromaticity assumption of the xray source is commonly used in the ct reconstruction algorithm 6, 7. Data obtained from web of science tm using keywords ct metal artifact reduction. Exploring metal artifact reduction using dualenergy ct with pre. Impact of metal artifact reduction software on image quality of gemstone spectral imaging dualenergy cerebral ct angiography after intracranial aneurysm clipping. Clinical image quality was assessed using a thielembalmed cadaver.