The printed version of griffiths valuation can be found on several online websites, including this one where you can search by name or place although it doesnt pick up spelling variations and also view maps. This is where you will find out whether the land stayed in the family or was sold off or the leases not renewed. Perambulation books recorded the visits made by the valuers from late 1844 to the early 1860s, according to area. Griffiths is an excellent source for irish family history research because it is the most allinclusive surviving household survey for the mid 1800s and allows you to pinpoint where exactly in.
At least half the time the map shown is incorrect wrong location, and when the map is of the correct location, it would seem that all of them that i have examined date from later then griffiths valuation, in some cases by many decades. Griffiths valuation house books are the notebooks that were used by valuators to record information on the majority of the buildings of ireland, be it dwelling house, outoffice or even lavatory in order to place a rateable value on the building and these records formed part of the informationgathering process required for the completion of the primary valuation of ireland. Those parts of clare contained in the union of limerick were published in 1852. Griffiths valuation ask about ireland full information.
Griffiths valuation books now online for tyrone read 6665 times aghadowey. Griffith s valuation is the name widely given to the primary valuation of ireland, a property tax survey carried out in the midnineteenth century under the supervision of sir richard griffith. Browse the tithe applotment books national archives of ireland. Records of place can provide useful information about where your ancestors lived. Each of the surveys overlaps in time, but produced a unique set of records. In the absence of any surviving pre1901 censuses, beyond a few precious fragments and transcriptions, it is the most comprehensive mid19th century resource available and can help direct genealogists to the exact plot of land where their ancestors lived. Often, the valuation is the only place you will find any mention of your 19th century irish ancestors in ireland at all.
Griffith s valuation 18521855 county clare surname index. The reason is that griffiths was a property tax survey. Clare genealogy griffiths valuation 1855 county clare. It has not been proofread, so continue to rely also on the original extractions. The main sources for records of place are griffiths valuation, the tithe applotment books, estate papers and maps. If you work back from the 1901 and 1911 censuses to civil registration and church records, the next major source for irish research is griffiths valuation. Griffiths tenement valuation manuscript field books. For instance, the cancelled land books document changes to landholdings after the original valuation. Detailed maps of civil parishes for cork can be found at cronin families of cork web site. The union was introduced as the most basic unit of administration under the poor law system in 1838 as the barony and parish units were felt to be unsatisfactory because of their unequal sizes. The national library of ireland offers a number of services to its users.
A county has on average between 7 and 10 baronies, though this may differ in a few cases. They were the main source of income for the parish clergy of the church of ireland the largest protestant church and the church established by law. Richard griffiths primary valuation of ireland category. Browse the tithe applotment books parishes in kilkenny. He used the scotch system of valuation and it was a modified version of this that he introduced into ireland when he assumed the position of commissioner of valuation. We also offer a number of services to teachers, other libraries and publishers. Irish ancestors shows county maps of the civil parishes associated with the griffiths valuation. My focus in this section will be the primary valuation, but a look at the cancelled books used to compile the griffiths valuation could be invaluable as well. Valuation books going deeper into griffiths valuation. This may have an impact on delivery times for some items. New maps accompanying griffiths valuation just add to mountain of undated maps. These are such a great resource for families who were there for griffiths valuation, but gone by the 1901 census.
Search griffiths valuation by name or place with links to maps for some areas another griffiths valuation site here explanatory article here go to bottom of page, then select word or pdf version. They are important as census substitutes, providing, in part, a substitute for information lost as a result of the. A searchable placename index linking to digitised images of valuation revision books covering counties antrim, armagh, down, fermanagh, londonderry and tyrone between the years 1864 to 1933. There are four main sets, the tithe applotment books about which i have already blogged about, see under march 26, 2014 below, griffiths valuation, the valuation office house and tenure books, and the valuation office cancelled books. These include a reference enquiry service, provision of advice to those engaging in family history research and a range of copying services. Griffiths valuation books now online for tyrone tyrone. The application is searchable by placename city, county, parish or townland or by proni reference. Ireland xo insight griffiths valuation and cancelled books. Griffiths valuation, or primary valuation of ireland, was executed under the direction of sir richard griffith to provide a basis for determining taxes. Duplicate entries mean the occupier leased more than one plot in the same townland from that lessor. The leitrimroscommon griffiths database is not complete and will be subject to constant update as new data is uploaded. The aim of the valuation was to produce a uniform guide to the relative value of land.
On griffiths valuation, the numbers and letters of reference to the maps are the connection between the valuation and the accompanying ordnance survey map. Richard john griffith started to value land in scotland, where he spent two years in 18061807 valuing terrain through the examination of its soils. With an inventory of the books of the general valuat james r. Eneclann ltd and, in association with the national library of ireland, have made the primary valuation of ireland 18471864, commonly known as griffiths valuation, available on the web.
All 3 have maps which indicate the holding they refer to. Regular readers of irish genealogy news will be aware that ive been following the slow road towards digitisation of the preliminary books associated with griffiths valuation the national archives of irelands collection of field and house books, 18481860 since i learned these were in the pipe at back to our past in october 20. The links below will show the index extracts for each county. Its not a single document griffiths valuation includes over 300 books and original maps. Im back to irish records, beginning this week with land and tax records. It was overseen by richard griffith and published between 1847 and 1864. The first steps were to map and fix administrative boundaries through the ordnance survey and the associated boundary commission. At least half the time the map shown is incorrect wrong location, and when the map is of the correct location, it would seem that all of them that i have examined date from later then griffith s valuation, in some cases by many decades. The survey involved the detailed valuation of every taxable piece of agricultural or built property on the island of ireland and was published county. These books can be very useful for finding ancestors who. The main sources for records of place are griffith s valuation, the tithe applotment books, estate papers and maps.
Since the destruction of the public record office in 1922, the valuation is an important source for tracing families living in ireland about the middle of the nineteenth century. The following townlands are in the database and can be searched. Richard griffiths valuation is one of the great gems among irish genealogy resources. Find out more about the revision books and griffiths valuation. When i first used the printed valuation books, many years ago, i paid little attention to the manuscript field books. How to use griffiths valuation for irish family history. What is griffiths valuation sir richard griffiths primary valuation of tenements, 18481864 was undertaken to assess property and to assign tax. The gestation of griffith s valuation was a complex one, with valuation methods evolving through trial and error, and initial limited aims that only gradually expanded to encompass the full universal valuation. There are the revision books, the manuscripts that. It is still in existance and has in its possession the original set of notebooks used by the griffiths valuation surveyors these are the field books, the house books and the tenure books.
Griffiths valuation available on the web published in 18th19th century social perspectives, 18th19th century history, issue 4 winter 2003, news, volume 11. The primary valuation of ireland or griffith s valuation carried out between 1848 and 1864 to determine liability to pay the poor rate for the. Its free to search, and the images are of the highest quality. Griffith s primary valuation took place throughout ireland during the middle of the 19th century and the valuation of clare was published in 1855. Is there more in griffiths valuation than just names. It is a detailed record of irish landholding surveyed from 1846, and published between 1847 and 1864. Between 1847 and 1864, richard griffith was responsible for carrying out the primary valuation of tenements generally referred to a griffiths valuation because of his role in the project. Griffiths valuation history and genealogy research by.
Family history research taighde ar stair mhuintire 3. The tithe applotment books, 18231837 were compiled approximately 2040 years prior to griffith s valuation gv, depending upon when the county valuation was published and or had the tithe responsibilities recorded. Unions are no longer in use as an administrative unit. Griffiths valuation available on the web history ireland. Mar 06, 20 the valuation office was set up to carry out the original primary valuation. Appleby henry coolattin carnew wicklow armstrong david carnew coolattin row carnew wicklow.
Published between 1847 and 1864 it provides a detailed county by county record of tax liable on land and buildings for the period. Revision books, cancelled books and current land books are resources for advanced study of griffith s valuation. The griffith s valuation or the primary valuation is a much used and valuable source in genealogical research. Family history research taighde ar stair mhuintire valuation records the tithe applotment books and griffiths valuation are two nineteenthcentury valuation records which are much used by genealogical researchers. The cancelled books are manuscript copies of griffiths valuation that were updated every 1218 months to record any changes in the ownership, occupancy and value of the property between griffiths valuation and 1977, when rates were no longer charged on residential property. The records of this document provide a glimpse of occupiers of land in the immediate post famine period. The gestation of griffiths valuation was a complex one, with valuation methods evolving through trial and error, and initial limited aims that only gradually expanded to encompass the full universal valuation. With an inventory of the books of the general valuat. Griffith s valuation is freely available on the an chomhairle leabharlanna library council website askaboutireland. How to use griffiths valuation for irish family history research. Aug 11, 2010 griffiths valuation 18471864 posted on august 11, 2010 by buggynamehistory the primary valuation of ireland, known as griffiths valuation, was a survey of all ireland undertaken to calculate the value of all land and buildings in the country.
Proni has just launched its griffiths valuation revision books collection for the six counties of northern ireland. The primary valuation also known as griffiths valuation was published between 1847 and 1864 and was the first fullscale valuation of property in ireland. Griffiths valuation donnas irish genealogy resources. Census substitutes for the 19th century our wicklow heritage. Griffiths valuation can be used as an excellent census substitute for the years after the great famine as censuses prior to 1901 were destroyed.
Griffiths valuation was the first comprehensive valuation of irish property and was carried out between 1847 and 1864. It is one of the most important surviving 19th century genealogical sources. On griffith s valuation, the numbers and letters of reference to the maps are the connection between the valuation and the accompanying ordnance survey map. Home library catalogue forums foto maps places archaeology history search this website copyright notice. About ireland, griffiths valuation, 18471864 griffiths valuation, indexed with images in this database, is one of irelands premier genealogical resources, referencing approximately one million individuals who occupied property in ireland between 1848 and 1864. Griffiths valuation of ireland carnew, county wicklow. For example, the perambulation books for county cork predate publication of griffiths valuation in 1848. I will return to some of the above at a later stage. Griffiths valuation 184764 was the third survey by the valuation office to calculate what taxes should be charged.
The primary valuation was the first fullscale valuation of property in ireland. Before 2003, no complete set existed, simply because no archive or library had the complete records. For a century and a half the valuation office had to record changes in occupier, holding size, lessor anything that could affect the value of a holding and thus the tax to be paid on it. The valuation office revision books can often tell a different story from the griffiths valuation books online at. Explantion of deeds, valuation records, tithe applotment books, householders index, landed estate records here. Griffith s valuation, or primary valuation of ireland, was executed under the direction of sir richard griffith to provide a basis for determining taxes. They always predate the published version of griffith s valuation. Click here to go to the leitrimroscommon griffiths search page. You can trace the occupancy of a specific address from the earliest point. From the 1820s to the 1840s a complex process of reform attempted to standardise the basis of local taxation in ireland.
Given the absence of census enumerators returns for the nineteenth century, the griffiths tenement valuation is a key source for identifying heads of households in the middle of the nineteenth century. This involved establishing the value of all privately held lands and buildings in both rural and urban areas in order to figure a rental rate for each unit of property. There is a printed valuation book for each barony or poor law union in the country showing the names of occupiers of land and buildings, the names of persons from whom these were leased. Griffiths valuation revision books, cancelled books and.
In general, each townland is surrounded by a thick line on the map, with the numbered. List last week i wrote about getting to the right place to research griffiths valuation. Initially the country was divided into unions and this was adjusted to create smaller unit sizes, so that by 1850 there were 163. It is especially important for constructing the irish end of a family tree as.
Bohane, cadogan, coffeecowhig, doolin, finn, minihane, whooley, and minor ones like loohig and fuhill. Griffiths valuation history and genealogy research by dr. Digitisation plans for griffiths valuation and more. By the way, if you didnt catch it, you can still view my lecture researching your irish ancestors online until july 10th at the southern california jamboree site. Griffith s valuation is one of the most important sources to irish local and family historians since it is the most comprehensive household survey that survives for the midnineteenth century, providing an insight into households in the period between the famine and the start of civil registration in 1864. Griffiths valuation one of irish family historys top. Griffiths valuation is one of the most important sources to irish local and family historians since it is the most comprehensive household survey that survives for the midnineteenth century, providing an insight into households in the period between the famine and the start of civil registration in 1864. How should you work forwards or backwards from griffiths valuation. Feb 27, 20 griffiths valuation books now online for tyrone on. Griffiths valuation explanation of terms griffiths valuation between 1847 and 1864, richard griffith was responsible for carrying out the primary valuation of tenements generally referred to a griffiths valuation because of his role in the project. All of these books helped to inform the publication of griffiths valuation, which was a comprehensive assessment of the rental value of irish lands and property.
If you are conducting research on your irish ancestors in the 19th century, you will find an invaluable research resource in griffiths valuation of ireland. Clare genealogy griffiths valuation 1855 o surnames. For more information about these names, see agnomina. They always predate the published version of griffiths valuation. Griffiths valuation of ireland carnew, county wicklow this was given to me by kevin lee of carnew, but it is not noted which year, but probably the 1824 or 1827. The griffiths valuation or the primary valuation is a much used and valuable source in genealogical research. The primary valuation of ireland or griffiths valuation carried out between 1848 and 1864 to determine liability to pay the poor rate for the. Initially, i would have looked at the val2b field books for some townlands but always found that the lists of. The griffiths valuation for county mayo was published between 1855 and 1857. Tithes were a tax on agricultural produce which was payable by the occupiers of agricultural land. He used the scotch system of valuation and it was a modified version of this that he introduced into ireland when he assumed the office of commissioner of valuation. Index to griffith s valuation of ireland, 18481864.